Saturday, September 12, 2009

today was my first day driving.  its truly empowering. i love it. 
today i saw the most people i have since summer: suz scott jill jamee mck spence leo russy steph kendall addie charlie dylan kiyan linnea ryan allison sarah shannon.

i love my friends. truly. i love the wide array, how no two are alike. how some are more just "acquaintences" then friends.
(i thought i'd be going somewhere with this.... but im too tired and exausted to elaborate and offer a full, valid, blog-worthy explanation. but no dice.)

today i assisted in getting adeline, kendall, charlie and steph drunk. i spent a considerable part of my night with them. it's amazing seeing just what kind of drunks certain people are.... some you can read and others youd have no idea. i guessed how steph would be SPOT ON. addie acted as i expected her to, being a little dumb bitch(hahaa). Kendall was the sad, depressed, crying drunk...fair enough though. although most would THINK that becoming intoxicated shortly after a brutal, unexpected breakup would solve things, it usually doesnt pan out that way. Charlie: ahhta girl. she had fun. a little loud, but she had a good time.

^  and all of this on a day of remembrence. sorry to inform you, but SMC failed to provide for us popsicles and a jumpee. 
i saw people at the 9/11 memorial downtown. it made me think. 

that is all. 

oh, and that spot? behind the english rooms between the baseball field? not original. it's been done. 12:20 has taken on a new meaning?

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