Monday, September 14, 2009

Cheap Monday

im doing my best dylan pelly impersonation with the shirt i've got on right now. i just attempted to play Madden 08 on my outdated ps2 in preparation for monday night football..... just how sad can i get? 
whats even sadder is that i just threw my controller against the wall in frustation because it wasnt working. im sure its working now though. nothing like a high-speed collision for the ultimate repair job. 

theres things i could probably be doing right now. 
i could be filling up the car with gas for tommorow. 
i could be rehearsing for my first scene thats due on monday
i could be fixing any one of many relationships that i feel are damaged in one way or another, either from recently or the distant past.
i could be spending my time thinking of my two thesis' for my paper tommorow
(was that apostrophe right rachel?)
i could go over to that dhehs house and pick up that drumset and practice practice practice until im as good as ive always wanted to be at an instrument.
or i could just pick up one of the 3 guitars next to me, and practice that.

is it bad that all i ever want people to do is "call me" or "go to lunch with me" or "catch up" or "hang out" ??

i hate days like right now. sitting in my room. feeling sorry for myself. being lazy. blogging. 

oh GOD


im judging myself. hard. 

im gonna go buy a new controller now.....

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