Monday, September 28, 2009

haha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA

i mean.... this shit happens in movies i swear.
so like...why did you do that? and then immediatley follow with that?

i mean i dont know what to think. On one hand, i have no right to be angry. we're not together or anything. theres absolutely no commitment on either side. College is supposed to be fun right? do what you will, its one thing that i should absolutely never care about. i just think its funny that he has the SAME NAME

but on the other hand.... i mean, honesty is great... but why that? why then? what were you hoping to accomplish, other then to lead me on? i mean, they say your a drama queen. and i still dont believe it. i still defend you whenever. but....come on. really. Really?

i'm bummed that you didnt answer your phone. or computer. or phone again. i, actually legitimately wanted to talk to you. cause as apparent by this post, i'd feel i'd be better at voicing my opinions then writing them. and besides, You dont even read this. nobody does. we should talk. but hey, if i were in your situation, i wouldnt really want to talk to me either.

(still searching for the hidden cameras....)

hahahaha. and shit just KEEPS hitting the fan.


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